Restaurant Interactive Guide

RG Richardson Restaurant interactive guides have extensive restaurant (barbecue, buffet, bistro, cafeteria, fast food, take out, fine dining, pub, ethnic restaurants etc.) searches. Sit in the coffee shop and start searching away on their WiFi and start using our interactive city search guides with multiple languages! Dozens of links to open the doors to the best, the coolest, the weirdest, the most inspiring culinary experiences a city can have — interactive restaurant guides are exactly what we want to have at your fingertips when in a city. Never out of date and constantly updated!

Tapas at the bar in Barcelona, perfect roast goose in Hong Kong, dinner in a vineyard outside Melbourne, and brunch on a terrace in São Paulo. — when we travel now, we travel to eat. But global restaurant-hopping goes beyond that perfect iconic essential dish: Restaurants and bars are an opportunity to slip into daily life and experience a city’s unique rhythm. Due to Covid see what’s open first!

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